24 sentyabr 2014-cü il tarixində Bakıda keçirilən “İnsan hüquqları və qabaqcıl idarəçilik kontekstində dövlət xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi” mövzusunda beynəlxalq konfransın iştirakçıları Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti yanında Vətəndaşlara Xidmət və Sosial İnnovasiyalar üzrə Dövlət Agentliyinin 4 saylı Bakı “ASAN xidmət” mərkəzi ilə tanış olublar. 24
sentyabr 2014-cü il tarixində Bakıda...
On the 20th of September, 2014, on occasion of the 20th anniversary since the “Contract of the Century”, “ASAN Service” in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan Republic and State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic conducted an event. On the 20th of September, 2014, on occasion
of the 20th anniversary since the “Contract of the Century”, “ASAN Service”
in cooperation wi...
On 20 September, 2014, Participants of the lecture on the topic “Electronic document management in notary of Azerbaijan Republic” were acquainted with the building and functioning of the “ASAN service” center No.3 of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On 20 September, 2014, Participants of the lecture on
the topic “Electr...
In regard with the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion Project by the President of Azerbaijan Republic, September 10, 2014, for more efficient organization of the initiative under the Decree, the process of the acquisition of rights over lands and other real estate sites of the issues arising from the implementation of the Decree has been launched. In regard with the South Caucasus Pipeline Expansi...
International Conference entitled “Public Service Delivery in the Context of Human Rights and Good Governance” will be held on 24-25 September 2014 in Baku. The Conference is being organized by the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan within the framework of Azerbaijan’s Chairmanship in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of...
On 18th September, 2014 General Prosecutor's Officers of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey were acquainted with the building and functioning of the “ASAN service” center No.4 of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On 18th September, 2014 General
Prosecutor's Officers of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey...
On 12th of September, 2014,Employees of Human Resources Management Agency of the Republic of Montenegro were acquainted with the building and functioning of the “ASAN service” center No.3 of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On 12th of September, 2014,Employees of Human Resources Management Agency of the
Republic of Mont...
On 12th of September, 2014, Director of the Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership Marge Mardisalu-Kahar was acquainted with the building and functioning of the “ASAN service” center No.3 of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On 12th of September, 2014, Director of the Estonian
Center of Eastern Partnership Marge Mardisal...
In the article it was noted that established on the initiative of the President Ilham Aliyev "ASAN Service” centers is the successful model. It was noted that the main purpose of “ASAN Service” is improving the efficiency of public services and in directed to make accessibility simpler for the population. In the article was informed about the services and as well as Mobile “ASAN Service”. The art...
Article on “The model for the modernization of the public services in Azerbaijan” by the Chair of State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Inam Karimov was covered in the famous French paper “Acteurs Public”. Article on “The
model for the modernization of the public services in Azerbaijan” by the Chair
of State Agency for Publi...